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Played the first winter falling sometime ago and loved the concept. I do programming myself and made a game similar but with Zombies etc.

I constantly come back to itch and yesterday saw this come up and got extremely excited because I played the other one admittedly for an hour everyday here and there. The step forward with this is not only the right choice imo, it has more than enough potential to be a much larger game in which I would pay for if I had to (love strategy type games). I beat and win everytime.

My only comment on this prototype is that is freezes at one point after cheats are used and you go back to play the other levels again, but is very minor, otherwise everything runs smoothly and as it should(Ive played it multiple times today and still not bored)

Keep this going and on full blast, its god damn amazing.

Oh that's so nice to hear! Thank you very much! Hmm I don't know why it freeze,s I'll have to figure it out. Thanks a lot, I hope it won't disappoint!


Great game ! I love the artstyle and the overall concept ! I'm really into strategy games and its right away really appealing to me.

I only managed to get the boss down to 18hp with the peasants, it wasnt easy haha.

Here are some things I thought about while playing :

- I could use a bit more gold, even though you get upgrades through the game, it feels more like you are downgrading all the time, because you cant use those shiny troops you just unlocked, you simply cant afford it. I'd like to have an army as big as on the screenshots for the boss ! (I showed up with 1 peasant haha, I know, theres room for improvement)

- I thought that I could be able to move on the campaign map, which could be cool, but it wasnt that big a deal.

- I would have liked the option to pause the battle while still being able to give orders (I think its not possible?), instead of having to click a random order to have a quick pause to think.

- sometimes my troops would attack when I wanted them to stay, and vice versa.

The different strategies feel pretty unique, I like it a lot.

I wishlisted the game, looking forward for updates :)

Oh these are good points! Thank you very much! I'm really happy you had a fun time!


Just discovered this wonderful game, love the style and the units can't wait to see how it develops. The only part is that I wish the battles where bigger and longer. you could use move more, which could be improved by introducing into the skill tree and the same with the variations of units and that the world was bigger and had a lot more in it.

If you could also introduce more for each unit, like you could select the spear unit and specifically upgrade certain traits and elements. Such as defence or equipment and more variations as independent units for range, attack and strategy such as the trenches. Additionally if each unit had  the same option as trenches where you could spend extra gold on growing a units numbers so that if you play on a huge map where you can take advantage of the size of your units.

Also if you offered more options for generating gold besides the tech tree that would be great as the gold is somewhat limiting you could do this by making each location captured be it a fort or a town. Depending on the size and difficulty to take to be be generate gold and also units, this might only be peasants but you can create specific groups such as ranged and as you upgrade the town not only thus the gold increase but defences and units. Additionally the map was a bit more fluid you would have enemy strongholds that don't change but you could have enemy units that move per turn.

Again love the game and am really interested to see how it goes if this was the plan all along then it's going to be amazing.

Great ideas! I'm adding them to the pool. I'm working really hard on the design to make it a fun experience, so every idea helps. Thank you very much!


Really good one, cannot say much more that what has already been said :-)

2 remarks: 

 - it's not obvious that you can use orders (except for charge) as the button says "Locked". I thought you needed to unlock them through the tree

- it can be more clear that your coin budget depends on how much you spend in previous missions when starting the game

I wish you the best for what follows :-)

Mmm you're right. Good points! Thank you for playing!

(1 edit) (+1)

Had trouble my first campaign, but I managed to do it with the peasantry the second time! Overall great game! Now to go overthrow the king and seize the means of production...

Haha right! D  Thank you very much!


My high score!

What! That's very nice! Haha I'm glad you had fun :D


score of 554!

(1 edit)

Wonderful game! Came here from your twitter

Thank you very much! And you did very well! 180 is a good score

Super fun! could've been a bit tougher but I've only played the royal army so far

Hmm right, I think today's update should make it a  bit tougher and fix some issues. Thanks for playing!

This is really cool! The art style is really nice and the units are each unique and interesting. Can't wait to see how this grows and develops


Ah glad you liked it! Thank you, I hope it won't disappoint!

Nice strategy game! I realy like the graphic (icon) style! And of course the Game of Thrones theme ;-)

Haha thanks :D

(1 edit) (+1)

Really love this game, and I just wanted to point out one bug I seem to have found.  I chose the "start with 1 dragon breath" reward, but I am still not starting with it

Ooh because it's not +1dragon breath, it's +1 order token!
Thank you for playing! I'm just catching up and fixing bugs now, preparing what needs to be  changed for the full game

The reward “Start with 1 dragon breath” just say you can summon another dragon when you use the ability 


An awesome and a really enjoyable game.

Thank you very much! I'm really happy you got to the end!


Very enjoyable prototype, wishlisted ;)

(1 edit)

Well done! Thank you very much :D


Whelp, can't believe how far we've  come. :o

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